VBA Annual Meeting

Williamsburg Lodge 310 S. England St., Williamsburg, VA, United States

Non-VBA members are more than welcome to register for the meeting, but VBA members qualify for discounts. See website for details.

Virginia Lawyer Wellness Challenge – June 18-28

Please join VJLAP and many of your colleagues in Virginia’s first Lawyer Wellness Challenge, a 10-day series of informational, interactive, and fun activities - and a virtual, friendly competition with your peers designed with you in mind. The challenge is available for anyone interested in improving their emotional, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, or spiritual wellness and includes

Wellness Challenge CLE (free): Habit in the Time of Uncertainty

The Lawyer Wellness Challenge kicks off with a free CLE “Habit in the Time of Uncertainty” featuring Justin W. Earley from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. today. The Lawyer Wellness Challenge presents "Habit in the Time of Uncertainty" - our keynote MCLE program featuring Justin Whitmel Earley - Richmond business attorney and author of "The Common