Using Online Resources? So many options!
With social distancing our current reality, establishing a working virtual support system is paramount; but deciding what that looks like may be overwhelming given the masses of online substance use and mental health resources. Is it possible there may be too many from which to choose? If it feels like this is the case, choosing where and when to start may be mentally draining. There could be worse problems, yes. But, being aware of the possible impact of the paradox of choice and/or choice overload in delaying our decisions to enter into new wellness routines may be essential to staying healthy.
Identifying that choice aversion or decision paralysis may be impacting our decisions may be the first step to taking action. Then, comes the decision making: what is your goal, find resources, evaluate and narrow down options to those that best meet your goals, and make a decision. Then, if the goal changes or the first choice does not meet your needs, decide again.
There are national and local online resources available to support managing substance use and mental health concerns in this time of social distancing. VJLAP remains fully functioning and available to help. VJLAP’s calendar is here. Additionally, below are a few broad-ranging resources that may be helpful:
Mental Health Support:
- Turn2me: Turn2me hosts online support groups on anxiety, suicidal thoughts and feelings, depression, stress management, and general mental health issues.
- Center for Interactive Mental Health Solutions:
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance:
Addiction Support:
- In the Rooms: In The Rooms is a free online recovery tool that offers 130 weekly online meetings for those recovering from addiction and related issues. They embrace multiple pathways to recovery, including all 12 Step, Non-12 Step, Wellness and Mental Health modalities.
- Digital All Recovery Meetings: Access to online meetings 7 days a week (9AM, 12PM, 3PM, & 9PM ES. Join directly by navigating to in your browser or from your smartphone
- Smart Recovery:
- AA Online Meeting Directory:
- Gamblers Anonymous:
- Narcotics Anonymous:
Suicide Hotline:
- 800.237.TALK (Available 24/7)
If you would like additional information for local support groups, please contact us.