Flexibility with Law Schools is Key – Law School Forums Grow

Join the second statewide Law School Wellness Forum: Identifying and Managing the Risks to Wellness in the Practice of Law (An open conversation with current and former Virginia State Bar Presidents)
- Monday, February 22, 2021 @ 12:00 p.m.
- Webinar ID: 923 8177 7346.
- Event Site: https://vjlap.org/event/forum2spg21/
In Virginia’s law schools, VJLAP is not taking a one-size-fits-all approach. We are game for whatever students or faculty want, whenever and however we can make it happen. We continue to build our services within and enhance our relationships with the law schools. Each school has an assigned VJLAP professional who is available for whatever outreach and service provision are possible. In the Fall, Virginia’s law students entered or returned to campuses or online classes while struggling to develop and maintain new ways to feel and stay connected. VJLAP participated in 1L and peer advisor orientations, presented to classes, offered office hours, and held student wellness forums/discussions.
For the Spring semester, VJLAP and VLWI have partnered to provide several statewide online “Law School Wellness Forums” for “a series of real talks with interesting people.” These are open panel discussions where law students will be able to have their related questions answered in real time. The first forum was held on February 2nd (“The Intersection of Mental Health, Addiction, and Character and Fitness” featuring Catherine Crooks Hill from the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners) and had attendees from five of Virginia’s law schools. The second will be Monday, February 22nd at noon (“Identifying and Managing the Risks to Wellness in the Practice of Law” featuring five current and former Virginia State Bar Presidents) during which each panelist will identify an occupational risk within the practice of law, how the risk manifested in their careers, and how they addressed it. Additional forums are being planned. VJLAP is also available to provide school-specific presentations, lectures, discussions, and forums (e.g., February’s W&M Resilience Forum) as requested by the students or faculty.
Within the law schools, VJLAP remains available to provide free, confidential, and non-disciplinary assistance for all law students for anything from stress management, to mental health and addiction challenges, to questions relating to the intersection of mental health and substance use concerns with a state’s review of a bar applicant’s character and fitness.
- VJLAP hosts virtual office hours for students three times per week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: 12:00 – 1:00 pm; Zoom ID: 934 1041 1953). The law student office hours are just times for students to know that VJLAP will be here to provide whatever information and student-specific supports they may need.
- We still have the 24/7 HelpLine (877.545.4682) and other means of support and communication (e.g., Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram @VirginiaJLAP).
VJLAP hosts and/or supports numerous ongoing support groups (all currently being held virtually) including 12-Step Support, Wellness Support, Women’s Wellness Support, and Gambling Support.
- These groups are open to all law students and members of the legal profession, from anywhere in throughout the state, seeking connection with and support from in managing similar areas of concern.
- Information on these groups is available on the VJLAP Events Calendar.
- VJLAP is also available for school or student-specific groups (e.g., George Mason’s student group).
Bottom line, VJLAP is here to listen to and address your concerns either through direct support or referrals.