Well-Being Week After Party (May 17-21)
Well-Being Week After Party
Supporting the legal community’s efforts to build and maintain healthy workplaces.
In the first week of May, we celebrated Well-Being Week In Law which focused on individual-level skills-building and wellness. This week (May 17-21) is the Well-Being Week After Party which focuses on organizational and systems-level causes of stress and barriers to well-being.
Each day this week has a specific organizational theme:
Monday: Recognition
(Perceived efforts/contributions are fairly balanced with employer-provided rewards such as compensation, esteem and social rewards, job security, career opportunities.)
Tuesday: Balance
(Our culture supports members’ ability to maintain good health and functioning while feeling fully engaged in and satisfied with their contributions to their work and families and themselves without perceiving too much conflict among those roles.)
Wednesday: Leadership
(Our leaders positively impact organizational members’ well-being through their leadership style, creation of a psychologically healthy work culture, management of mental health matters in the workplace, and support for workplace well-being programs.)
Thursday: Inclusion
(Our organizational members feel supported and valued for their unique, individual traits and talents; feel a sense of belonging; and have access to and feel fairly treated by the organization’s structures and processes.)
Friday: Culture of Trust
(Our work environment is characterized by the shared values of trust, honesty, transparency, and fairness.)
The After Party seeks to support law firms, corporate legal departments, and other organizations in the legal profession create psychologically healthy workplaces which achieve financial success while, at the same time, actively protecting and promoting organizational members’ mental and physical well-being. The Institute for Well-Being In Law has provided recommendations for daily readings, videos, activities, and live webinars to support and promote organizational well-being. Learn More.