VJLAP is excited to announce VOLUNTEER TRAINING is planned for Friday, July 26!
If you are currently volunteering or would like to volunteer for VJLAP, please join us for a day of learning. Lunch will be provided.
🗓️ Date: Friday, July 26
🕒 Time: 9:45AM – 3:30PM
📍 Location: 4801 Cox Road, Suite 108, Glen Allen, VA
PLEASE KINDLY RSVP on or before July 12 by sending an email to: [email protected]


Get ready for VJLAP’s 20th Annual Fall Retreat in Winchester, VA, happening on September 21-22 at The George Washington! 🏛️✨

Join us for a weekend packed with incredible programming, camaraderie, rejuvenation, and FUN! 🌟 Whether you’re looking to enhance your professional skills, relax, or connect with peers, this retreat has it all.

🗓️ Mark your calendars NOW and secure your spot for this in-person event. Trust us, you won’t want to miss it!

🎟️ Purchase your tickets today: https://whova.com/portal/registration/vafr1_202409

To view the event agenda please click this hyperlink!

The Beacon

After Party Monday: Focusing on Recognition and Rewards in the Workplace

May 17, 2021
After Party Monday: Focusing on Recognition and Rewards in the Workplace

Well-Being Week After Party (May 17-21).

Monday’s focus: Recognition and Rewards (Perceived efforts/contributions are fairly balanced with employer-provided rewards such as compensation, esteem and social rewards, job security, career opportunities.)

Employee motivation matters just as much in law firms as it does in any other industry. It’s imperative that law firms attract and retain talented staff who are engaged in fulfilling the values of the office.

Employee appreciation and recognition externally motivate and bolster internal motivation for employees, from a simple thank you to a huge bonus.

Recognition can go a long way to improving office morale.

  • Give staff members the authority they need to solve problems.
  • Keep an open door policy and really listen to your staff.
  • Recognize  your staff for a job well done.
  • Provide opportunities for professional and personal growth.
  • Be supportive of your staff.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of a perk!  Read more.

Suggested activities for Rewards and Recognition Monday:

There are two types of law firm employee motivation.

  1. Intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from within the individual staff member. This is why we explained that there is no one perfect motivation tactic that works for every law firm employee. This highlights the importance of getting to know your staff members. It’s how you learn what really motivates them. Consider yourself for a moment. Take away the external motivation factors, such as your paycheck or the feeling you get when you’re victorious in advocating on behalf of your client. What motivates you to get up each and every day and do what you do? Is it a zest for justice? Is it your love of entrepreneurship?
  2. External motivation. These are factors that come from outside of an individual that encourage them to make great strides. While money is certainly an external motivator for many, it doesn’t motivate everyone. Again, though, this points out the importance of getting to know your staff.

Both intrinsic and external motivators can change over time. You will need to adjust your strategies as your staff members grow as people and even as your law firm grows and adds new staff members.

Additional Resource: https://www.upcounsel.com/employee-recognition

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