THE WOMEN’S LEGAL PROFESSIONAL RETREAT is next month! Join VJLAP Friday, February 28 – Sunday, March 2 at The Virginian Hotel in downtown Lynchburg, Virginia. 

CLICK TO REGISTER and purchase tickets  or copy the following link into your browser:

For more information about the retreat check out the event website here: 


The Beacon

VJLAP Annual Retreat Round-Up

November 15, 2021
VJLAP Annual Retreat Round-Up

Thank you to all our attendees, presenters, sponsors, exhibitors, and the City of Lynchburg for making the 17th Annual VJLAP Fall Retreat such an amazing event this year.

On September 17th and 18th, VJLAP hosted it’s 17th Annual VJLAP Fall Retreat in Lynchburg, Virginia. After a fully virtual retreat in 2020, we continued to adapt with the world around us, leveraged technology to the best of our abilities, and held our first hybrid event. We also had a change of venue where in-person attendees joined us at the Virginian Hotel in Lynchburg.

Approximately 100 attendees (~ 50 in-person/~ 50 virtual) earned six MCLE credits, including one ethics, while learning information, skills, and tips for supporting and bolstering wellness in themselves and their colleagues including two amazing panel discussions on Sunday. The recordings of the presentations are available on the VJLAP website (Recordings).

In-person attendees also had the opportunity to network with colleagues, join a scenic urban “hike,” meet our Board members, professional staff, and exhibitors, and enjoy delicious meals. The highlight of the Retreat was the Friday Banquet at the Craddock Terry Hotel where The Honorable Elizabeth McClanahan provided her keynote address and Dennis Sisk, VJLAP Board of Director’s Immediate Past President, was honored for his commitment to and leadership in navigating Lawyers Helping Lawyers through our transition with the Lighthouse Strategic Plan and expansion into The Virginia Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program.

Thank you to our Sponsors:


  • The Virginia Law Foundation


  • McGuire Woods
  • Hunton Andrews Kurth


  • Old Dominion Bar Association
  • Williams Mullen
  • The Farley Center
  • Veritus

Thank  you to our Exhibitors:

  • Caron Treatment Centers
  • The Farley Center
  • Fellowship Hall
  • Mt.Regis
  • Pavilion
  • Veritus

SAVE THE DATE: VJLAP’s 18th Annual Fall Retreat will be held on September 16th-18th, 2022 in Lynchburg, Virginia.

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