Important changes to VJLAP’s 12-Step and Wellness Support Meetings:

1. Effective immediately, the Monday 12-Step Support Meetings will commence at 6:30 PM instead of 8:00 PM. VJLAP will no longer host a Monday 12-Step Support Meeting at 8:00 PM. Changes will be made to the event calendar.
2. After 04/08/24, there will no longer be Monday Wellness Support Meetings at 6:30 PM. If you are interested in such a meeting, there is a Thursday Wellness Support Meeting (1, 3 and 5th Thursday of the month). Changes will be made to the event calendar.
3. Effective immediately, there will no longer be a Wednesday 12-Step Meeting at 6:00 PM. There is a Wednesday 12-Step Meeting at 5:30PM and a meeting on the 1, 3 & 5th Monday of the month at 6:30PM. Changes will be made to the event calendar.
4. Please also note the Thursday Wellness Support Meetings that had been every Thursday will only be the 1, 3 & 5 Thursday of the month. Changes will be made to the event calendar.

Thank you for your attention to these updates. If there are questions, please reach out to Barbara Mardigian at

The Beacon

Remembering a Dedicated Volunteer: Honoring Sharon Fitzgerald

April 15, 2024
Remembering a Dedicated Volunteer: Honoring Sharon Fitzgerald
Virginia Judges and Assistance Program mourns the loss of one of our dedicated volunteers, Sharon Fitzgerald. Her commitment to supporting the well-being of legal professionals made a profound impact on our community. We extend our deepest condolences to Sharon’s family and loved ones during this time. Sharon’s contributions will be remembered fondly, and her spirit of service will continue to inspire us.
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